Scotland Yard 27267



Scotland Yard

Crime scene: London. Scotland Yard after Mister X! One player plays Mister X, while the others are detectives searching for him on the streets of London. By taxi, bus and subway, Mister X does everything in his power to avoid Scotland Yard's top detectives. Will he be able to escape them?

Contents: 1 game board, 6 pawns, 29 starting cards, 130 tickets, consisting of: 57 taxi tickets, 45 bus tickets, 23 subway tickets, 5 black tickets, 3 double travel tickets, 5 detective ticket boards, 1 route board (with paper placed inside) for Mister X, 2 concealment inserts (large, small) for Mister X's route board, 1 visor for Mister X, 2 rings for the policemen.

Age: 8 – 99 years old

Additional information

Dimensions 27 × 37,5 × 6 cm

