
German B High School B Issue

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German B High School B Issue

Deutsch – a Hit!

The German language course serves the purpose of foreign language teaching, by broadening the spectrum of multiculturalism and multilingualism, promoting literacy and strengthening the general language ability of students, thereby contributing to their intellectual and emotional well-being. development, as well as in the gradual formation of values, attitudes, behaviours, abilities and skills within and for a constantly changing, multilingual and multicultural society. In particular, it consists of the sections: Erste Bekanntschaft First acquaintance. I am learning to speak for myself. I'm learning to talk to someone Die Familie The family. I'm learning to talk about my family and ask about yours. Hobbies I am learning to talk about my hobbies and ask what other people do in their free time. Spielend lernen Wir machen eine Schülerzeitung: Make your first school newspaper in German with the theme of presenting your classmates! Are you ready for the school? All ready for school? I learn the names of school supplies, to talk about the school program and to talk about my teachers. Schule und Alltag School and everyday life. I learn to describe buildings, learn the time and tell someone what to do. Good appetite! Good appetite! I am learning the names of different foods and to express my preferences. Tschüss Carmen! Wir machen die zweite Ausgabe unserer Schülerzeitung! Create now the second edition of your school newspaper in German with your school theme! Endlich Ferien! Ich lerne: To invite someone and respond to an invitation. To express when and by what means I go somewhere.

Date of issue: September 2017
Cover page: Soft cover
Pages: 164

Additional information

Dimensions 28 × 21 cm

ITYE Diofantos


Daniela Stai, Chariklia Kapoti, Panagiota Spyropoulou, Aikaterini Passisi